Wednesday, October 15, 2008

To Trek or not to Trek. That is the question.

Since I was a kid I have been a trekkie. I watched Star Trek: The Next Generation years before I ever saw a single Star Wars film. Not to mention I've been an avid watcher of Deep Space Nine and Voyager, but fuck that Enterprise shit. I don't want to see fucking Scott Bakula unless he's leaping from life to life, striving to right what once went wrong, and hoping with each leap will be the leap home.

Anyway's lately Star Trek has gone underground ever since Enterprise went off the air and since the late Eighties a Star Trek tv show or film has not been in production until now. A little while ago production started on the new Star Trek film helmed by Lost creator J.J. Abrams. I don't like that little snot but I am excited about the new film which is accomplishing the trendy reboot fashion statement that is so ever popular with movie studios nowadays.

Also there is the Star Trek MMO coming out by Cryptic Studio's. When I first heard about this game I wasn't really excited because it was being headed by another studio but when Cryptic took over my Trek senses went on Red alert.

I'm just happy that a franchise I love is being reentered into pop culture and in good hands at that.

"Eaten any good books lately?" -Q (to Worf)

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