Friday, October 10, 2008

The Growing DC Universe

As always there an ass load of of comic book movies coming out. With the Marvel studios putting together an Avengers film Warner Brothers are trying to retaliate with its DC license and creating a slew of films riding on the coattails of the recent Batman film. Thankfully they have abandoned the JLA film which produced nothing but awful sounding rumours. But they are making some movies now in production that sound a lot more interesting which confounds me.

First up is the new Green Lantern film which needs to be fun and have a load of action. If it isn't fun and action packed audiences just won't care because Green Lantern, although well known in the DC Universe, isn't that well known to general audiences. So far the news has been good, evidently they are using the Hal Jordan incarnation and they have plans on having huge space battles and so forth. Link. Now to play Hal Jordan you have to get a semi identifiable face mixed with good actor and I can't argue with the choice of Ryan Gosling as Hal Jordan.

Second up is the very ambitious "Super Max." The films main character is Green Arrow who is sent to a prison filled with supervillians and attempts to escape. This film just seems that its way to high concept for the "play it safe" movie studio's.

Now nothing has been mentioned a new Flash movie and Nolan has nearly gone into hiding and no information on the next Batman has been released no matter what anyone has heard. Its nice to see these films taking chances and trying to be closer to the source material and coming out of the DC camp its very refreshing since the Marvel studio's could get the next couple of films disastrously wrong. Marvel is pushing their films out to quickly and it could restrict the creativeness of the people involved.

"I think I feel a Jackson Pollack coming on." -Kyrten from Red Dwarf

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