Thursday, October 9, 2008

South Park: Nuking the Fridge?

Well the new season of South Park opened last night and I have to say the episode wasn't that great but still relevant with its commentary on the failure that was the new Indiana Jones film that came out a while ago. Even though we are all trying to forget that film I think its important to have some one championing the fact that not enough people stand up and fight against stupidity.

I was not a fan of the first couple of seasons of South Park however when they turned and started talking about issues in our world I really began watching. Right now I believe that South Park is by far one of the best satire's of our age. No topic is off limits and at times Matt Stone and Trey Parker have had to deal with some of their episodes being taken off the air because people refuse to look at themselves with a critical eye.

However what's interesting is that most satires make specific points and take one side at the end of the day and South Park doesn't do that in the tradition sense. Instead they take both sides and show how ridiculous each of them are. The most recent example is the past episode that came on last night. Yes George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg have essentially raped everything that is Indiana Jones but does everyone have to keep crying about it. In the end what Matt and Trey are trying to say through each episode they make is that yes some things suck but stop throwing five year old temper tantrums about it.

And it makes me sad that people have been turned off by that. A lot of people that originally liked the show now avoid it at all costs. They just don't like the fact that the show has become satirical instead of just being ass and fart jokes. However I do believe that South Park will be looked back upon as one of the best modern satires of the 21st century.

"Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits" - George Carlin

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