Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Don Cheadle: War Machine

Well the big news of the day in at leas my world is the fact that Don Cheadle has been signed on to play War Machine in the next Iron Man film. A role that was held by Terrance Howard in the last film in which I thought he played the role perfectly.

The first Iron Man film was a lot of fun to watch and did a good job in setting up the Avengers film and Terrance Howard made a great James Rhodes. He looked like a military man and someone that could eventually fill one of the Stark armours which of course was hinted at in the first film. On top of the Favreau has already said that War Machine would play a bigger part in the next film. Which brings up the question why change the actors?

Don Cheadle is undeniable a great actor and is one of those human activists that I don't mind so much unlike Tim Robbins, but can he be War Machine. Cheadle has never looked like a military man to me and doesn't have the stature that the character Rhodes has in nearly all of his incarnations. I just don't like the fact their changing actors in the middle of two films that are anchoring the Marvel movie studio's.

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