Monday, September 1, 2008

Critics: The Biggest Assholes

Honestly I'm getting sick of these self-righteous assholes who think they can stamp their approval or disapproval on anything and deem that law. Anyone now days can purchase a domain name and say their a reviewer but I'm really talking about actual journalists that have stepped up and declared that this is art because they said so. Its not really left up to the audience whether it is art or not.

What I'm talking about specifically is all the commotion around Braid. I've played Braid and I love it and will continue to play it. For me it is a work of art but I don't need fifty people to tell me that I don't have a choice in the matter. If its a piece of shit I'm going to think its a piece of shit and shouldn't be looked down on because I don't agree with these critics that have labeled it as some thing else.

This argument works both ways as well. If I think something is a piece of art and no one else does, well screw them I think its a piece of art but I'm not going to sit there and tell them that they are a lesser person for not thinking like me. And I'm not just talking about videogame critics but movie critics and anyone who thinks they can analyze something and get two people to listen to them.

However this pretentiousness has not yet flooded into the video game industry as of yet. And hopefully these guardians of our media will not allow this to happen to them. Right now videogame reviewers are either boring step by step robots or rabid fanboys who have been unwittenly given a forum to present their biased ideas to the masses.

Mostly this is due to the technology that we call the internet. Never before have two mediums been so intertwined as videogames and the internet. Both formats feed off each other where as movies, print media , and television have remained separate from each for the most part. Recently we see television trying to integrate with the internet a little more but still this is baby steps compared to videogames.

However its with movie critics that these sins are amplified. The mindless analyzation of film that goes into the efforts of some of these critics is amazing. Just the other day I was listening to the /film podcast when they had a guest on that was arguing the fact that WallE promotes date rape and because of that the film is bad and manipulative.

Now I can understand analyzing a film past what the filmmaker originally put in the film. There is a subconscience element to that but if your just digging for the sake of finding something in a film to make yourself feel smarter that's just sad. By all means do not take things at face value but if your trying to create something out of nothing than just stop by all means. Your doing more harm than good.

Perhaps its because film has been around for so long. We as a society have moved on from just saying films are good or bad. Instead we need messages and feelings and hope from our films. But to ruin those films by overthinking is irresponsible.

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