Monday, August 25, 2008

Wii will ruin everything!!

"Wii will change everything."

This was the motto of nintendo when they released the name of their new console. The Wii blew onto the scene with a mix of cheers and boo's. Some hated the name and other praised it for being a "Revolution."

I have to admit when I first heard of Nintendo's little box I was skeptical. Mainly because I didn't think Nintendo was in its right mind when they came up with the name of their new console. But I kept my feelings in check. I've always loved Nintendo, they were the ones that gave me some the first games I ever played on the NES. But still I'm one of those people that sits back and waits for the right moment to make a major purchase. I didn't bother getting a 360 until Dead Rising came out and my PS2 was purchased mainly because I wanted to watch the Matrix on dvd.

However Nintendo has dropped the ball again. The Wii has become a sess pool of bad games. It seems that only Nintendo is allowed to make good games for the system and they'll do that whenever the fuck they feel like it. And that's the thing, they don't even need to make games for the Wii anymore. You can't find the damn things on shelves, middle aged mothers everywhere are buying them faster then they can be made. But why? Because there looking for a great gaming platform? Because they want to bring the family together? Or because little Timmy won't stop screaming until he gets a Wiimote in his hands and practices jacking off to High School Musical 3: The Game?

Now I'm not against casual gaming, hell anyone that has played solitare on their computer could be considered as a casual gamer. I'm all for more people playing games, I think it unifies us and takes away this negative stigma towards gaming that's been creeping around in the minds of these ill informed parents. But at least make these games good and appealing. Boom Blox is one of the few games that can achieve this. The rest of the crap is non sensical waggling that doesn't promote good gaming.

What's worse is that Nintendo doesn't care. They couldn't give a shit because they are making money which is the only thing that matters. Once upon a time I believed Nintendo did care back in the NES, SNES, N64, and even the GameCube days but they don't anymore. Now they have opened the doors for Microsoft and Sony to follow suit in producing crap video games and selling them to a target demograph that doesn't know any better.

Right now it isn't that bad but it is going to get worse unless something drastic happens. And personally I think that drastic action will happen with the next gen of consoles. What they will be I don't know. What games they will have is anyone's guess. But the matter of the fact is that everyone will be marketing to this uneducated demograph resulting is bad games, destroying the gaming world as we know it. The hardcore gamer is now the minority we no longer matter.
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